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Susan Sarandon, aclamada en Cartagena (II)

  • Susan Sarandon, aclamada en Cartagena (II)


  • Susan Sarandon was acclaimed in Cartagena ( II )

Cartagena le brindó a Susan Sarandon un merecido reconocimiento al entregarle las llaves de la ciudad y rendirle homenaje en el teatro Adolfo Mejía, que estuvo abarrotado de admiradores, nacionales y extranjeros, cuyos aplausos “estallaban en el teatro. Ella estuvo acompañada de su hijo Jack Henry Robbins, productor de cine. La actriz estampó sus labios en el libro de visitantes ilustres, y escribió: “Gracias por tan maravilloso honor de entregarme las llaves de esta hermosa ciudad con una maravillosa historia. Espero regresar otra vez con mi familia”.

  • Por otro lado fue gratificante escuchar sus elogios a la película colombiana “El abrazo de la serpiente” de Ciro Guerra, nominada al Oscar.Entre estruendosos aplausos y emotivos gritos de admiración, Susan Sarandon recibió emocionada el premio honorífico India Catalina en recepción de gala. Así finalizó el tributo a la actriz, leyenda del cine mundial, dejando en Cartagena las mejores impresiones y un recuerdo inolvidable.

Cartagena gave Susan Sarandon a well-deserved recognition by handing the keys to the city to her and also paid a tribute to her at the Adolfo Mejia theater, which was packed with fans from all around the world that cheered and gave a great applause for the actress. She was accompanied by her son Jack Henry Robbins, film producer. The actress signed the book of distinguished visitors, and thanked Cartagena for such a great honor that was receiving the keys to a beautiful city with a wonderful story and she hoped to return soon with her family.

  • It was also very gratifying hear her praise the Colombian film by Ciro Guerra “Embrace of the snake”, which was nominated for an Oscar this year.With a big round of applause and emotional cries of admiration, Susan Sarandon received the Honorary Award India Catalina at the gala reception. The tribute to the actress, who is a legend of the world film business, ended with the good impression Susan made in Cartagena and also with an unforgettable memory she left all of the attendees with.


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